Attention in Cognition and Early Learning

Attention in Cognition and Early Learning

Cognitive Neuroscience Research, Intelligence, and Memories Prior to beginning this discussion, please read the Frost and Lumia (2012) and the Rhodes, Rodriguez, and Shah (2014) required articles as

 Cognitive Neuroscience Research, Intelligence, and Memories

Prior to beginning this discussion, please read the Frost and Lumia (2012) and the  Rhodes, Rodriguez, and Shah (2014) required articles as well as the following selections from your required text:

  • “Attention in Cognition and Early Learning” (pp. 71-77)
  • “Cognition and Emotion” (pp. 78-84)
  • “Memory” (pp. 85-91)
  • “Intelligence” (pp. 92-98)
  • “Concept learning” (pg. 99-103)

Assign my last name Y so

U through Z: “Attention in Cognition and Early Learning” Explain the empirical findings presented in your assigned article, applying appropriate citations and references. Describe, in your own words, how the research relates to your own experiences as well as how this area of neuroscience may have affected your past or current beliefs about knowledge development. Do the research findings refute or support your current beliefs, and in what ways? Are there variables about knowledge development for which you were unaware based on your article? Based on the information presented in the five articles from the text, how prevalent are false autobiographical memories in your own life? In your own words, describe how emotion and episodic memory development affect these memories. Apply the basic research findings from the “Intelligence” article (Sternberg, 2010) that intelligence is highly inheritable and fixed to your own experiences and compare them with the suggestions you drew from the findings of your assigned article. Apply skeptical inquiry to the potential problems that might arise from the premise of fixed intelligence. Provide a rationale for whether or not this premise is valid and/or appropriate based on the findings reported by the assigned articles: “Attention in Cognition and Early Learning,” “Cognition and Emotion,” “Memory,” “Intelligence,” and “Concept Learning.”  The text is Aukrust, V. G. (Ed.). (2011). Learning and cognition in education. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.  Which the other artciles can be found
