Articles posted by l n

End of Course Reflection

End of Course Reflection Take a few minutes to reflect on your experiences, in this course. Create a six-to-nine PowerPoint presentation for this reflection. Feel free to use the following digital tools to create a creative reflection: blendspace  (Links to an external site.) Glogster (Links to an external site.) Animoto (Links to an external site.) Prezi (Links to an

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Literature Review and Analysis

Literature Review and Analysis For the final assignment, students will select a topic in educational psychology. Find at least five scholarly articles, in addition to the textbook, from the Ashford University Library on that topic, and prepare a literature review and analysis in addition to a summary of implications. A literature review is a summary

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A Meeting of an Interdisciplinary Team

A Meeting of an Interdisciplinary Team Paula has just been involuntarily hospitalized and placed on the psychiatric unit, for a minimum of 72 hours, for observation. Paula was deemed a suicidal risk after an assessment was completed by the social worker. The social worker observed that Paula appeared to be rapidly decompensating, potentially placing herself

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