physical Psychology and well being.Discuss how you can improve your physical or psychological well-being.

physical Psychology and well being.Discuss how you can improve your physical or psychological well-being.

physical Psychology and well being.Discuss how you can improve your physical or psychological well-being. Being active: There are many benefits to an individual who practices an active lifestyle in te

physical Psychology and well being.

Discuss how you can improve your physical or psychological well-being.

Being active: There are many benefits to an individual who practices an active lifestyle in terms of physical and mental activities. Experts assert that physical activity can protect against some health issues and prevent cognitive decline. Physical exercises help relieve feelings of depression and anxieties to individuals of any age.

Improving an individual’s self-efficacy:  when a person is self-motivated, competent and ready to make logical and learned decisions without fears, such a person will be vastly productive. Such an individual can affect positively his life and the lives of the people around them. Self-efficacy is central to Social Learning Theory unless a person believes that they are able to produce the desired outcomes through the behavior they have little reason to act. Self-efficacy regulates motivation and determines the goals people set, their determination to meet their objectives and the goals they expect.

Outcome expectations:  In order to avoid psychological frustrations, it is salient that an individual creates realistic expectations. This will help avoid stress and anxieties that may result in individual developing psychological disorders.

Create a good rapport with the people around you: No man is an island. Having people who can support you, emotionally in your social support and relationships will add up to an individual’s mental health and happiness.

Discuss how you can make one small change in your life to help improve your own well-being.

Endeavor to maintain self-awareness: Be mindful of what is taking place around you. Be conscious of your immediate environment.  Deliberately be conscious of what you are sensing. This would pay in a fierce discern of autonomy. The extra small things that you are doing bring the whole meaning to your well-being.

Listen and act accordingly: Be attentive and pay close attention to the needs that directly affect your life and which if positively reinforced will result in a meaningful individual. Act where it is necessary. Let every action have a positive and rewarding reaction. With this, the actions sprout the true meaning of well-being.

Challenging life’s stigma and social discrimination: The world is never going to be fair to everyone. But learning on ways of not succumbing to stigma and social discrimination helps create an equilibrium. Fighting the small challenges that make us feel timid would result in the development of an individual wholly.

Having fun and seeing the other side of trials. Challenges are meant to remind humans that they are never perfect and thus should strive to at least make things realistic and logic. It does not kill an individual at times to laugh at their own mistakes done in the past. Instead, trials are the custodian of ensuring a more, well- informed and mature living. This results in the improvement of an individual.


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