the relationship between Christ and his church
Read the following article by Jen Pollock: “Is this What Love Looks Like”
After reading this week’s text, as well as the article “Is this What Love Looks Like?” respond to the following questions:
In her article, Jen Pollock discusses views of marriage, as related to the Bible by writing, “The profound mystery is that marriage reflects a greater reality, that of the relationship between Christ and his church (Eph. 5:32). In betrothing himself to us in limitless love, God never insisted upon fairness. He gave beyond what could be repaid—and what would he now withhold (Rom. 8:32)?”
- Does this description resonate with you? What other scriptural or religious comparisons would you relate to marriage and love?
- How does information presented in the article relate to material from the text or other outside sources about marriage?
- Given what you have learned this week along your own experiences, what advice would you give those who were thinking of marriage?
- Make initial post
- 250-300 words