What Is Quality of Life?

What Is Quality of Life?
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IDST 2050C: Interdisciplinary Experience: Sustaining Quality of Life in the City
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Course Calendar
Course Overview
Course Info
Week 1: What Is Quality of Life?

Many people show pride of place, or pride in where they live, through symbols of their hometown, such as a baseball cap or t-shirt, or simply through their attitude. You might also recognize some people from Chicago by their accent, or people from Quebec City because they choose to speak French in predominantly English-speaking Canada.

What may not be so apparent is the reason why humans settle where they do—and why they stay there. You may learn that a woman you met on a plane lives in São Paulo, Brazil because of her job, or because her family settled there 20 years ago. However, what made the original inhabitants settle in Brazil centuries ago, and do those reasons, centuries old, still resonate today?

This week, you begin examining how Interdisciplinary Studies relates to quality of life in a city by considering what defines a city, how Interdisciplinary Studies can contribute to that definition, and how cities began.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
