
Scholar-Practitioner Model

Scholar-Practitioner Model As mentioned in this week’s introduction, you will experience the scholar-practitioner model in action. Capella uses this model as the foundation for our educational philosophy. According to Capella University’s Scholar-Practitioner Educational Philosophy white paper, “The scholar-practitioner philosophy encompasses the activities of both learners and faculty. Learners and faculty are located on a continuum of learning

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Assignment: Journal: Supervising Others

Assignment: Journal: Supervising Others Take a minute and think about the supervisors you have had in the workplace. What were characteristics of effective supervisors? As you reflect on these experiences, consider how supervision affected your ability to complete the tasks associated with your job. Also, think about how leadership styles can influence the relationship between

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1. Cultural Subgroup Presentations. Due weeks 11-14

1. Cultural Subgroup Presentations. Due weeks 11-14 You will focus on two or more cultural subgroups for more in-depth study (selecting from chapters 14-21 from your text), throughout the semester. These groups must be any ethnic or racial minority group different from your own(I am African American). I would like to focus on Counseling Arab Americans/Muslim

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